Posts Tagged with "business"

Important things you must know before register a domain name

Posted by Stanislav Furman on May 16, 2014

Important things to know before buy a domain name

Most of web developers from time to time buy domain names. But not all web developers know what can be behind that process and what unexpected problems may appear suddenly.

There is plenty of domain name registars like Go Daddy, Enom, 1nd1, etc. Each registar has its pros and cons. Sometimes a domain owner can face a very sudden problem. Unfortunately, this "problem" could have been known if domain buyers read Terms and Conditions carefully before they buy domains. Registars have a lot little "surprises" buried in the fine print of a registrars' "Terms of Service".

I heard a story from one of my collegues that a registar requested a 200$ fee to unblock my collegue's domain name after it was blocked based on a anonymous request! The registar didn't even try to contact the domain owner and understand the nature of the problem. They simply said "Pay us money!". It looks like a virtual extortion.

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RIP Nokia? Microsoft renames Nokia to Microsoft Mobile

Posted by Stanislav Furman on April 21, 2014
Bye-bye, Nokia! Hello, Microsoft Mobile! The end of Nokia?

JIRA Junior. Project Tracking... for Kids!

Posted by Stanislav Furman on October 12, 2013
JIRA Project Tracking... for Kids! Atlassian comes up with JIRA Junior.

How to recognize a good programmer

Posted by Stanislav Furman on September 30, 2013
How to find a good programmer: most important indicators of a good professional

Microsoft is buying Nokia

Posted by Stanislav Furman on September 7, 2013

Shortly after acquiring Skype Microsoft is buying Nokia ...

Nokia was once the leader in their field. And it's so sad that Nokia has now lost almost all business assets. Can't say that Skype got better. I doubt that Nokia will get better.


How much should a web site cost?

Posted by Stanislav Furman on February 19, 2012

This is a very frequently asked question: "How much should a web site cost?". It's not that easy to answer this question because of a lot of a number of nuances related to website creation.

By chance, I found a very good post where professionals try to determine a formula to calculate the cost for web site creation.

There is also a nice calculator where in a few clicks you can calculate approximate total cost.

Enjoy -