Google introduces "Google Wallet Card"
Posted by Stanislav Furman
Yesterday, Novemer 20th 2013, Google introduced a debit card called "Google Wallet". According to the company's blog, this card can be used for purchases in stores and withdraw cash from ATMs in the United States only (for now).
Google claims that with the new card you don't need to transfer money from your Google Wallet Balance to your bank account any more, just spend money right after you got them to your Google Wallet account.
You can order the card for free as of Wednesday, November 20, 2013, and the delivery time will be 10-12 days.
It's been said that data on purchases with Google Wallet Card will be stored in comapny's databases and can be used for targeted advertising.
What's interesting about that, there is roumours that Larry Page was against the idea of launching Google Wallet Card.
We'll see how it goes... Maybe pretty soon we will see Google Bank branches next door. ;-)
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